Monday 9 October 2017

Analysis of current magazine advertisements- conventions 1

The conventions of a digipak advertisement in a magazine include (but are not limited to):
  • Artist name
  • Album and single name 
  • Main image
  • Release dates/out now or pre order
  • Rating and reviews 
  • Brand identity (fonts/images/texts) 
  • Available on iTunes/amazon 
  • Record label 
  • Formats available on 
  • Websites 
  • Includes ‘the single’ or ‘the video’ or ‘exclusive’
  • Logo
This advertisement shows that Jay-Z thinks he is the leader of rap as he calls himself 'the president of hip-hop'. The name of the album 'Kingdom Come' which also has connotations of royalty and religion, as it is a quotation from the Christian Bible. The text is a brilliant white colour which contrasts very well with the dark black/red background. The advertisement also shows a release date, and tells us that the album will include the single 'Show Me What You Got'. The advert also includes the website of Jay-Z's record label, as well as the logo in the bottom left and right corners.

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